Using the Web of Support Framework
A web of support represents all of the relationships and resources in a young person’s life, and how they all fit together. Learn how a Web of Support framework can be used to support young people you work with and care about.
Discussing Relational Schools on RatioTalks Podcast
Jonathan F. Zaff, the Founding Director of the CERES Institute for Children & Youth spoke to Michael Little from Ratio about relationship-focused schools.
It Takes More than a Superhero: Promoting Youth Thriving through Webs of Support
Jonathan F. Zaff presents theory and research in arguing that young people need a constellation of relationships to nurture, encourage, and otherwise support young people on their educational, vocational, and civic pathways.
Young People, Relationships, and the Adversity Cliff
Jonathan F. Zaff and his colleagues at Boston University set out to learn if and how supportive relationships can help young people stay in or re-engage with school. They surveyed nearly 3,000 young people and had in-depth conversations with 120 more.
When the Deck Seems Stacked, Helping Kids Beat the Odds
Investing in adolescents is hardly a lost cause, whether early or late. Research shows that young people continue to develop cognitively and emotionally, leaving room for interventions that can change lives.